Neural Networks

training nerual networks


The first step to training a neural net is to not touch any neural net code at all and instead begin by thoroughly inspecting your data.

Our next step is to set up a full training + evaluation skeleton and gain trust in its correctness via a series of experiments. At this stage it is best to pick some simple model that you couldn’t possibly have screwed up somehow.
Tips & tricks for this stage:
Always use a fixed random seed to guarantee that when you run the code twice you will get the same outcome.
Make sure to disable any unnecessary fanciness. As an example, definitely turn off any data augmentation at this stage.
When plotting the test loss run the evaluation over the entire (large) test set. Do not just plot test losses over batches and then rely on smoothing them in Tensorboard. We are in pursuit of correctness and are very willing to give up time for staying sane.
Monitor metrics other than loss that are human interpretable and checkable (e.g. accuracy). Whenever possible evaluate your own (human) accuracy and compare to it.
Train an input-independent baseline, (e.g. easiest is to just set all your inputs to zero). This should perform worse than when you actually plug in your data without zeroing it out. Does it? i.e. does your model learn to extract any information out of the input at all?

The approach I like to take to finding a good model has two stages: first get a model large enough that it can overfit (i.e. focus on training loss) and then regularize it appropriately (give up some training loss to improve the validation loss). The reason I like these two stages is that if we are not able to reach a low error rate with any model at all that may again indicate some issues, bugs, or misconfiguration.

In the early stages of setting baselines I like to use Adam with a learning rate of 3e-4. In my experience Adam is much more forgiving to hyperparameters, including a bad learning rate.




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