

spectrogram: A spectrogram of a time signal is a special two-dimensional representation that displays time in its horizontal axis and frequency in its vertical axis.

short-time Fourier analysis

Why use it?
Some regions of speech signals shorter than 100 milliseconds often appear to be periodic, so that we can use the exact definition of Fourier

spectral leakage

This phenomenon is called spectral leakage because the amplitude of one harmonic leaks over the rest and masks its value.

feature extraction

Representation of speech signals in the frequency domain is especially useful because the frequency structure of a phoneme is generally unique.

Sinusoids are important because speech signals can be decomposed as sums of sinusoids.

For voiced sounds there is typically more energy at low frequencies
than at high frequencies, also called roll-off. To make the spectrograms easier to read, sometimes the signal is first preemphasized (typically with a first-order difference FIR filter) to boost the high frequencies
to counter the roll-off of natural speech.

Digital Systems

Linear Time-Invariant Systems and Linear Time-Varying Systems.

The Fourier Transform


digital filter


A filterbank is a collection of filters that span the whole frequency spectrum.

short-time analysis

NP and reduction


P is the set of all decision problems that can be solved in
Polynomial time.

Extended Church-Turing Thesis

Any realistic model of computation can be efficiently
simulated by a Turing machine.
(The ECT is probably false!Probable counter-example: Quantum computing,However, the ECT is true for the classic models of computation
underlying our laptops)

NP problem

We do not know of polynomial-time algorithms for these problems, and we cannot prove that no
polynomial-time algorithm exists.

NP stands for Nondeterministic Polynomial time.

NP is a set of problems that there is a polynomial-time algorithm that verify if a solution to the problem is correct.
Note that showing that a problem is in NP does not mean that the problem can be solved in polynomial time. It only means that a proposed solution can be verified in polynomial time.

All problems in P are also in NP, we do not know if P=NP.


We say that a problem Y is NP-hard if every problem in NP can be Karp-reduced to Y. To prove NP-hardness for Y we only have to find
one other NP-hard problem X and reduce X to Y.

NP-complete problem

A large class of problems in this “gray area” has been characterized,
and it has been proved that they are equivalent in the following sense: a polynomial-time algorithm for any one of them would imply the existence of a polynomial-time algorithm for all of them. These are the NP-complete problems.

Every problem in NP can be reduced to X. We will call such an X an NP-complete problem.

To prove a problem is np-complete, we need to prove it lies in Np and it is np-hard. In NP is proved by verifying the solution in polynomial time. Np-hard is proved by using Karp-reduction from known NP-hard problem.

the NP-complete problems are the hardest problems in NP

The Cook-Levin Theorem

The Sat problem is NP-hard.

Hamiltonian Cycle

Reduction from Sat to Hamiltonian Cycle.

Travelling Salesman

Reduction from Hamiltonian Cycle

Graph Coloring

Graph Coloring is NP-hard.
2-coloring is not NP-hard.

Vertex Cover

we say that a set of nodes S is a vertex cover if every edge e has at least one end in S.

Set Cover

Given a set U of n elements, a collection S1,…, Sm of subsets of U, and
a number k, does there exist a collection of at most k of these sets whose
union is equal to all of U?


The complexity class CoNP consists of all problems where a “no” answer can be efficiently verified.
For every NP-complete problem there is a
corresponding CoNP-complete problem.

We do not know if NP=CoNP.


The complexity class PSPACE consists of all problems that can
be solved by an algorithm using at most a polynomial amount of
It is strongly believed that NP != PSPACE, but we do not even
know with certainty whether P != PSPACE or not!

For many 2-player games like Geography, deciding if there is a
winning strategy from a given position is a PSPACE problem



BPP (Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial-time)
consists of all decision problems for which there is a
polynomial-time randomized algorithms that is correct with
probability at least 2=3 on all instances.


ZPP (Zero-error Probabilistic Polynomial Time)
consists of all decision problems for which there is a Las Vegas
algorithm running in expected polynomial time.
It is widely believed that P = ZPP = BPP but all three could be





用vim时,鼠标右键不能粘贴而是进入了visual模式,解决方法::set mouse-=a


For Debian / Ubuntu: .deb packages installed by apt and dpkg
For Rocky / Fedora / RHEL: .rpm packages installed by yum
For FreeBSD: .txz packages installed by pkg

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “your_email@example.com”

Kill PyTorch Distributed Training Processes:
kill $(ps aux | grep YOUR_TRAINING_SCRIPT.py | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $2}’)

git reset —soft HEAD^ 撤销commit
git reset —hard HEAD^ 撤销add

tokenizing in Unix: “tr” command
tr -sc ’A-Za-z’ ’\n’ < $file_name| sort | uniq -c

conda create -n python=3.7 yourenv pip

git find . -name “*.py”|xargs git add —

pip install pipreqs
pipreqs ./ —encoding=utf-8 —force

inside docker container, cannot locate package with apt install:
echo “deb http://archive.debian.org/debian stretch main” > /etc/apt/sources.list




remote develop






因为不做zero mean,根本做不了PCA。从线性变换的本质来说,PCA就是在线性空间做一个旋转(数据矩阵右乘协方差矩阵的特征向量矩阵),然后取低维子空间(实际上就是前ncomponents个特征向量张成的子空间)上的投影点来代替原本的点,以达到降维的目的,注意我说的,只做了旋转,没有平移,所以首先你要保证原本空间里的点是以原点为中心分布的,这就是zero mean的目的。另外如果自己手撸过PCA的算法就知道了,explained_variance和explainedvariance_ratio是怎么实现的?explainedvariance就是协方差矩阵的每个特征值除以sample数,而explained_variance_ratio是每个特征值除以所有特征值之和。为什么这么简单呢?这也和zero mean有关,如果你用最大投影长度的证法去证明PCA就会在过程中很自然的发现这一点,在这里我就不展开了。


PCA 去中心化不一定是必需的,这一结论成立的前提是严格使用协方差矩阵的定义式 S=XXT−nμμT,而不是用 XXT 来当作协方差矩阵。

Centering is an important pre-processing step because it ensures that the resulting components are only looking at the variance within the dataset, and not capturing the overall mean of the dataset as an important variable (dimension). Without mean-centering, the first principal component found by PCA might correspond with the mean of the data instead of the direction of maximum variance.

Why is minimizing squared residuals equivalent to maximizing variance?
Consider a datapoint (row of ). Then the contribution of that datapoint to the variance is , or equivalently the squared Euclidean length . Applying the Pythagorean theorem shows that this total variance equals the sum of variance lost (the squared residual) and variance remaining. Thus, it is equivalent to either maximize remaining variance or minimize lost variance to find the principal components.


PCA can only be interpreted as the singular value decomposition of a data matrix when the columns have first been centered by their means.

PCA focuses on “explaining” the data matrix using the sample means plus the eigencomponents. When the column mean is far from the origin, the first right singular value is usually quite highly correlated with column mean - thus using PCA concentrates on the second, third and sometimes higher order singular vectors. This is a loss of information when the mean is informative for the process under study. On the other hand, when the scatterplot of the data is roughly elliptical, the PCs typically align with the major axes of the ellipse. Due to the uncorrelatedness constraint, if the mean is far from the origin, the first singular vector will be close to the mean and the others will be tilted away form the major axes of the ellipse. Thus the first singular vector will not be informative about the spread of the data, and the second and third singular values will not be in the most informative directions. Generally, PCA will be more informative, particularly as a method for plotting the data, than uncentered SVD.

Since X is zero centered we can think of them as capturing the spread of the data around the mean in a sense reminiscent of PCA.

that reconstruction error is minimized by taking as columns of W some k orthonormal vectors maximizing the total variance of the projection.

PCA is a regressional model without intercept1. Thus, principal components inevitably come through the origin. If you forget to center your data, the 1st principal component may pierce the cloud not along the main direction of the cloud, and will be (for statistics purposes) misleading.

Centering brings in a big difference. PCA with centering maximizes SS deviations from the mean (i.e. variance); PCA on raw data maximizes SS deviations from the zero point.



singular value decomposition

SVD is basically a matrix factorization technique, which decomposes any matrix into 3 generic and familiar matrices.

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

The concept of eigenvectors is applicable only for square matrices. The vector space spanned by an eigenvector is called an eigenspace.
A square matrix is called a diagonalizable matrix if it can be written in the format: $ A=PDP^{-1} $, D is the diagonal matrix comprises of the eigenvalues as diagonal elements
A Symmetric Matrix where the matrix is equal to the transpose of itself.
Special properties of a Symmetric Matrix with respect to eigenvalues and eigenvectors:Has only Real eigenvalues;Always diagonalizable;Has orthogonal eigenvectors.
A matrix is called an Orthogonal Matrix if the transpose of the matrix is the inverse of that matrix.
ince the eigenvectors of a Symmetric matrix are orthogonal to each other, matrix P in the diagonalized matrix A is an orthogonal matrix. So we say that any Symmetric Matrix is Orthogonally Diagonalizable.


% For the PCA derived from maximal preserved variance \cite{lee2007nonlinear}, we have the covariance
% of $\mathbf{y}$, which is
% \begin{equation}
% \mathbf{C}_{\mathbf{y} \mathbf{y}}=E\left{\mathbf{y} \mathbf{y}^T\right}
% \end{equation}
% This equation is valid only when $\mathbf{y}$ is centered.
The goal of PCA is to maximize the variance of the data along each of the principal components. Centering is an important step because it ensures that the resulting components are only looking at the variance of features, and not capturing the means of the features as important. Without mean-centering, the first principal component found by PCA might correspond with the mean of the data instead of the direction of maximum variance.

Network Representation Learning


Recording studying during KTH. First blog about network representation learning, a project belongs to machine learning, advanced course.


Reproduce paper “LINE: Large-scale Information Network Embedding”.

Alias Table Method

It’s a method of effiently drawing samples from discrete distribution.

Negative Sampling


Original paper:
Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space.
word2vec Explained: Deriving Mikolov et al.’s
Negative-Sampling Word-Embedding Method

Skip-Gram Model

Original papaer:Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases
and their Compositionality.
The idea behind the word2vec models is that the words that appear in the same context (near each other) should have similar word vectors. Therefore, we should consider some notion of similarity in our objective when training the model. This is done using the dot product since when vectors are similar, their dot product is larger.



第二十二篇 机器学习(5)--不平衡的分类问题





第二十一篇 java(2)- 集合框架


java集合框架包括 Collection 和 Map 两种,Collection 存储着对象的集合,而 Map 存储着键值对(两个对象)的映射表。





第二十篇 机器学习(4)-uplift模型



